So boys, read and learn ;)
when a girl says "u deserve to be with somebody who makes u happy, somebody who wont complicate your life, and somebody who wont hurt u" actually it means "come back to me. dont look for another girl. i love you"
when a girl says "I'm OK" trust me, she's liar.
when she doesnt text u, it doesnt mean she doesnt miss u, she just waiting u to text her first.
when she walks away and say "okay, i'll go" she never mean it. we want u to hold us. so, hold our hands, and say "dont leave me, i'm nothing without u"
when a girl got a jealous, its nightmare!!! so, kiss her forehead then say "u're my everything. u're my only one. i dont need another girl. bcs all i need is u"
when a girl says "I'm cold" she means "I need a hug"
boy : "r u mad with me?" girl : "nope" boy : "okay" boyss, thats a stupid question. u should be more sensitive.
when she's mad, dont make a joke with it. thats a BIG NO NO! u should hear her story, or u can kiss her lips gently☺
well, thats all i can say. hm ya emang itu belom semua tapi, semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua :D :D
and boys, remember, always give ur girl a lot of attention♥♥