Never be dependent to anyone in this world, because even your own shadow leaves you when you’re in darkness.

Senin, 09 Mei 2011


wanita itu....bisa dibilang susah dimengerti. bahkan gue sendiri pun kadang suka ga ngerti apa yg gue pengenin-_- *itu karena labil sepertinya* wanita itu.....kayak menciptakan bahasanya sendiri. wanita itu.......ingin dimengerti.

So boys, read and learn ;)

when a girl says "u deserve to be with somebody who makes u happy, somebody who wont complicate your life, and somebody who wont hurt u" actually it means "come back to me. dont look for another girl. i love you"
when a girl says "I'm OK" trust me, she's liar.
when she doesnt text u, it doesnt mean she doesnt miss u, she just waiting u to text her first.
when she walks away and say "okay, i'll go" she never mean it. we want u to hold us. so, hold our hands, and say "dont leave me, i'm nothing without u"
when a girl got a jealous, its nightmare!!! so, kiss her forehead then say "u're my everything. u're my only one. i dont need another girl. bcs all i need is u"
when a girl says "I'm cold" she means "I need a hug"
boy : "r u mad with me?" girl : "nope" boy : "okay" boyss, thats a stupid question. u should be more sensitive.
when she's mad, dont make a joke with it. thats a BIG NO NO! u should hear her story, or u can kiss her lips gently☺

well, thats all i can say. hm ya emang itu belom semua tapi, semoga dapat bermanfaat bagi kita semua :D :D
and boys, remember, always give ur girl a lot of attention♥♥